mercoledì 27 luglio 2011

Il Santo e la Spada, by Cecilia Penati (2011, Italy)

Giovanna is a beautiful girl from Milan, moving to Vilminore in order to work in the library. But, throughout the diaries of the just passed by general practitioner, she starts investigating on a crime of 50 years before, eventually with Andrea, a fascinating young guy living there. Engaging, turn-pager, deep... Soooo good!

martedì 12 luglio 2011

Tutta un'altra musica - Juliet, Naked, by Nick Hornby (2009, UK)

Annie is sort of 38 years old, been Duncan's partner for 15 years. But it's just rut, no love between them. And they both are Tucker Crowe's fans: Duncan is probably his biggest fan in the world. Once they split up, Tucker emails Annie to write back at her review on his album. And sth changes. Nice

mercoledì 6 luglio 2011

Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer (2008, New York)

Edward and Bella do finally get married and something unexpected happens: a new being, unknown until now, grows inside Bella. Renesmee is beautiful, half human, half vampire. In order to survive, Bella has got to become a vampire, a grand vampire. Jacob has got his imprinting. A bright happy large family.
But Volturis decide to get there and fight this big clan.
Cullens and werewolves make up a plan.